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Xcode projects are usually built through Xcode's GUI or the xcodebuild command-line tool. Tuist provides a command, tuist build, to generate the project if needed, and then build it with the xcodebuild command-line tool.

Why Tuist over xcodebuild

You might wonder what's the value of using tuist build over generating the project with tuist generate and building it with raw xcodebuild.

  • Single command: tuist build ensures the project is generated if needed before compiling the project.
  • Beautified output: Tuist enriches the xcodebuild output using xcbeautify
  • Binary caching: If you are using Tuist Cloud, Tuist can reuse the binaries from the cache, speeding up the build process.

Tuist Cloud Analytics coming

Understanding the build process is crucial to optimize the build times. Unfortunately, Xcode doesn't provide a lot of insights into the build process. Therefore, we are working on a set of features that will allow you to understand the build process better. This will require the usage of tuist build, so if you are not using it yet, we recommend you start using it.

Building schemes

To build schemes of a project, you can use the tuist build command. This command will generate the project if needed, and then build it using the xcodebuild command-line tool.

tuist build MyScheme
tuist build MyScheme --configuration Debug
tuist build --no-binary-cache


We don't support forwarding arbitrary arguments to xcodebuild yet. If you need to pass arguments to xcodebuild, you can use the --verbose flag to see the command that Tuist is running, and then run it manually with the arguments you need.

Released under the MIT License.