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RunAction ​


  • Properties
    • configuration
    • attachDebugger
    • customLLDBInitFile
    • preActions
    • postActions
    • executable
    • arguments
    • options
    • diagnosticsOptions
    • expandVariableFromTarget
    • launchStyle
  • Methods
    • runAction(configuration:attachDebugger:customLLDBInitFile:preActions:postActions:executable:arguments:options:diagnosticsOptions:expandVariableFromTarget:launchStyle:)
public struct RunAction: Equatable, Codable, Sendable

An action that runs the built products.

It's initialized with the .runAction static method.

Properties ​

configuration ​

public var configuration: ConfigurationName

Indicates the build configuration the product should run with.

attachDebugger ​

public var attachDebugger: Bool

Whether a debugger should be attached to the run process or not.

customLLDBInitFile ​

public var customLLDBInitFile: Path?

The path of custom lldbinit file.

preActions ​

public var preActions: [ExecutionAction]

A list of actions that are executed before starting the run process.

postActions ​

public var postActions: [ExecutionAction]

A list of actions that are executed after the run process.

executable ​

public var executable: TargetReference?

The name of the executable or target to run.

arguments ​

public var arguments: Arguments?

Command line arguments passed on launch and environment variables.

options ​

public var options: RunActionOptions

List of options to set to the action.

diagnosticsOptions ​

public var diagnosticsOptions: SchemeDiagnosticsOptions

List of diagnostics options to set to the action.

expandVariableFromTarget ​

public var expandVariableFromTarget: TargetReference?

A target that will be used to expand the variables defined inside Environment Variables definition (e.g. $SOURCE_ROOT)

launchStyle ​

public var launchStyle: LaunchStyle

The launch style of the action

Methods ​

runAction(configuration:attachDebugger:customLLDBInitFile:preActions:postActions:executable:arguments:options:diagnosticsOptions:expandVariableFromTarget:launchStyle:) ​

public static func runAction(
    configuration: ConfigurationName = .debug,
    attachDebugger: Bool = true,
    customLLDBInitFile: Path? = nil,
    preActions: [ExecutionAction] = [],
    postActions: [ExecutionAction] = [],
    executable: TargetReference? = nil,
    arguments: Arguments? = nil,
    options: RunActionOptions = .options(),
    diagnosticsOptions: SchemeDiagnosticsOptions = .options(),
    expandVariableFromTarget: TargetReference? = nil,
    launchStyle: LaunchStyle = .automatically
) -> RunAction

Returns a run action.

  • Parameters:
    • configuration: Indicates the build configuration the product should run with.
    • attachDebugger: Whether a debugger should be attached to the run process or not.
    • preActions: A list of actions that are executed before starting the run process.
    • postActions: A list of actions that are executed after the run process.
    • executable: The name of the executable or target to run.
    • arguments: Command line arguments passed on launch and environment variables.
    • options: List of options to set to the action.
    • diagnosticsOptions: List of diagnostics options to set to the action.
    • expandVariableFromTarget: A target that will be used to expand the variables defined inside Environment Variables definition (e.g. $SOURCE_ROOT). When nil, it does not expand any variables.
    • launchStyle: The launch style of the action
  • Returns: Run action.

Parameters ​

configurationIndicates the build configuration the product should run with.
attachDebuggerWhether a debugger should be attached to the run process or not.
preActionsA list of actions that are executed before starting the run process.
postActionsA list of actions that are executed after the run process.
executableThe name of the executable or target to run.
argumentsCommand line arguments passed on launch and environment variables.
optionsList of options to set to the action.
diagnosticsOptionsList of diagnostics options to set to the action.
expandVariableFromTargetA target that will be used to expand the variables defined inside Environment Variables definition (e.g. $SOURCE_ROOT). When nil, it does not expand any variables.
launchStyleThe launch style of the action

Released under the MIT License.