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Scheme ​


  • Properties
    • name
    • shared
    • hidden
    • buildAction
    • testAction
    • runAction
    • archiveAction
    • profileAction
    • analyzeAction
  • Methods
    • scheme(name:shared:hidden:buildAction:testAction:runAction:archiveAction:profileAction:analyzeAction:)
public struct Scheme: Equatable, Codable, Sendable

A custom scheme for a project.

A scheme defines a collection of targets to Build, Run, Test, Profile, Analyze and Archive.

Properties ​

name ​

public var name: String

The name of the scheme.

shared ​

public var shared: Bool

Marks the scheme as shared (i.e. one that is checked in to the repository and is visible to xcodebuild from the command line).

hidden ​

public var hidden: Bool

When true the scheme doesn't show up in the dropdown scheme's list.

buildAction ​

public var buildAction: BuildAction?

Action that builds the project targets.

testAction ​

public var testAction: TestAction?

Action that runs the project tests.

runAction ​

public var runAction: RunAction?

Action that runs project built products.

archiveAction ​

public var archiveAction: ArchiveAction?

Action that runs the project archive.

profileAction ​

public var profileAction: ProfileAction?

Action that profiles the project.

analyzeAction ​

public var analyzeAction: AnalyzeAction?

Action that analyze the project.

Methods ​

scheme(name:shared:hidden:buildAction:testAction:runAction:archiveAction:profileAction:analyzeAction:) ​

public static func scheme(
    name: String,
    shared: Bool = true,
    hidden: Bool = false,
    buildAction: BuildAction? = nil,
    testAction: TestAction? = nil,
    runAction: RunAction? = nil,
    archiveAction: ArchiveAction? = nil,
    profileAction: ProfileAction? = nil,
    analyzeAction: AnalyzeAction? = nil
) -> Self

Creates a new instance of a scheme.

  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of the scheme.
    • shared: Whether the scheme is shared.
    • hidden: When true, the scheme is hidden in the list of schemes from Xcode's dropdown.
    • buildAction: Action that builds the project targets.
    • testAction: Action that runs the project tests.
    • runAction: Action that runs project built products.
    • archiveAction: Action that runs the project archive.
    • profileAction: Action that profiles the project.
    • analyzeAction: Action that analyze the project.

Parameters ​

nameName of the scheme.
sharedWhether the scheme is shared.
hiddenWhen true, the scheme is hidden in the list of schemes from Xcode’s dropdown.
buildActionAction that builds the project targets.
testActionAction that runs the project tests.
runActionAction that runs project built products.
archiveActionAction that runs the project archive.
profileActionAction that profiles the project.
analyzeActionAction that analyze the project.

Released under the MIT License.