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TargetDependency ​


  • Cases
    • target(name:status:condition:)
    • project(target:path:status:condition:)
    • framework(path:status:condition:)
    • library(path:publicHeaders:swiftModuleMap:condition:)
    • package(product:type:condition:)
    • sdk(name:type:status:condition:)
    • xcframework(path:status:condition:)
    • xctest
    • external(name:condition:)
  • Properties
    • typeName
  • Methods
    • sdk(name:type:condition:)
    • target(_:condition:)
public enum TargetDependency: Codable, Hashable, Sendable

A target dependency.

Cases ​

target(name:status:condition:) ​

case target(name: String, status: LinkingStatus = .required, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on another target within the same project

  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of the target to depend on
    • status: The dependency status (optional dependencies are weakly linked)
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

project(target:path:status:condition:) ​

case project(target: String, path: Path, status: LinkingStatus = .required, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on a target within another project

  • Parameters:
    • target: Name of the target to depend on
    • path: Relative path to the other project directory
    • status: The dependency status (optional dependencies are weakly linked)
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

framework(path:status:condition:) ​

case framework(path: Path, status: LinkingStatus = .required, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on a prebuilt framework

  • Parameters:
    • path: Relative path to the prebuilt framework
    • status: The dependency status (optional dependencies are weakly linked)
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

library(path:publicHeaders:swiftModuleMap:condition:) ​

case library(path: Path, publicHeaders: Path, swiftModuleMap: Path?, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on prebuilt library

  • Parameters:
    • path: Relative path to the prebuilt library
    • publicHeaders: Relative path to the library's public headers directory
    • swiftModuleMap: Relative path to the library's swift module map file
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

package(product:type:condition:) ​

case package(product: String, type: PackageType = .runtime, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on a swift package manager product using Xcode native integration. It's recommended to use external instead. For more info, check the external dependencies documentation .

  • Parameters:
    • product: The name of the output product. ${PRODUCT_NAME} inside Xcode. e.g. RxSwift
    • type: The type of package being integrated.
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

sdk(name:type:status:condition:) ​

case sdk(name: String, type: SDKType, status: LinkingStatus, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on system library or framework

  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of the system library or framework (not including extension) e.g. ARKit, c++
    • type: The dependency type
    • status: The dependency status (optional dependencies are weakly linked)
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

xcframework(path:status:condition:) ​

case xcframework(path: Path, status: LinkingStatus = .required, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on a xcframework

  • Parameters:
    • path: Relative path to the xcframework
    • status: The dependency status (optional dependencies are weakly linked)
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

xctest ​

case xctest

Dependency on XCTest.

external(name:condition:) ​

case external(name: String, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil)

Dependency on an external dependency imported through Package.swift.

  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of the external dependency
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

Properties ​

typeName ​

public var typeName: String

Methods ​

sdk(name:type:condition:) ​

public static func sdk(name: String, type: SDKType, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil) -> TargetDependency

Dependency on system library or framework

  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of the system library or framework (including extension) e.g. ARKit.framework, libc++.tbd
    • type: Whether or not this dependecy is required. Defaults to .required
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

Parameters ​

nameName of the system library or framework (including extension) e.g. ARKit.framework, libc++.tbd
typeWhether or not this dependecy is required. Defaults to .required
conditioncondition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

target(_:condition:) ​

public static func target(_ target: Target, condition: PlatformCondition? = nil) -> TargetDependency

Dependency on another target within the same project. This is just syntactic sugar for .target(name:

  • Parameters:
    • target: Instance of the target to depend on
    • condition: condition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

Parameters ​

targetInstance of the target to depend on
conditioncondition under which to use this dependency, nil if this should always be used

Released under the MIT License.