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ResourceSynthesizer ​


  • Properties
    • templateType
    • parser
    • parserOptions
    • extensions
  • Methods
    • strings(parserOptions:)
    • strings(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • assets(parserOptions:)
    • assets(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • fonts(parserOptions:)
    • fonts(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • plists(parserOptions:)
    • plists(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • coreData(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • coreData(parserOptions:)
    • interfaceBuilder(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • interfaceBuilder(parserOptions:)
    • json(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • json(parserOptions:)
    • yaml(plugin:parserOptions:)
    • yaml(parserOptions:)
    • files(plugin:parserOptions:extensions:)
    • files(parserOptions:extensions:)
    • custom(plugin:parser:parserOptions:extensions:resourceName:)
    • custom(name:parser:parserOptions:extensions:)
public struct ResourceSynthesizer: Codable, Equatable, Sendable

A resource synthesizer for given file extensions.

For example to synthesize resource accessors for strings, you can use:

  • .strings() for tuist's default
  • .strings(parserOptions: ["separator": "/"]) to use strings template with SwiftGen Parser Options
  • .strings(plugin: "MyPlugin") to use strings template from a plugin
  • .strings(templatePath: "Templates/Strings.stencil") to use strings template at a given path

Properties ​

templateType ​

public var templateType: TemplateType

Templates can be of multiple types

parser ​

public var parser: Parser

parserOptions ​

public var parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option]

extensions ​

public var extensions: Set<String>

Methods ​

strings(parserOptions:) ​

public static func strings(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

Default strings synthesizer defined in Tuist/{ProjectName} or tuist itself

strings(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func strings(
    plugin: String,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]
) -> Self

Strings synthesizer defined in a plugin

assets(parserOptions:) ​

public static func assets(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

Default assets synthesizer defined in Tuist/{ProjectName} or tuist itself

assets(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func assets(
    plugin: String,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]
) -> Self

Assets synthesizer defined in a plugin

fonts(parserOptions:) ​

public static func fonts(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

Default fonts synthesizer defined in Tuist/{ProjectName} or tuist itself

fonts(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func fonts(
    plugin: String,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]
) -> Self

Fonts synthesizer defined in a plugin

plists(parserOptions:) ​

public static func plists(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

Default plists synthesizer defined in Tuist/{ProjectName} or tuist itself

plists(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func plists(
    plugin: String,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]
) -> Self

Plists synthesizer defined in a plugin

coreData(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func coreData(
    plugin: String,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]
) -> Self

CoreData synthesizer defined in a plugin

coreData(parserOptions:) ​

public static func coreData(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

Default CoreData synthesizer defined in Tuist/{ProjectName}

interfaceBuilder(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func interfaceBuilder(
    plugin: String,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]
) -> Self

InterfaceBuilder synthesizer defined in a plugin

interfaceBuilder(parserOptions:) ​

public static func interfaceBuilder(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

InterfaceBuilder synthesizer with a template defined in Tuist/{ProjectName}

json(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func json(plugin: String, parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

JSON synthesizer defined in a plugin

json(parserOptions:) ​

public static func json(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

JSON synthesizer with a template defined in Tuist/{ProjectName}

yaml(plugin:parserOptions:) ​

public static func yaml(plugin: String, parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

YAML synthesizer defined in a plugin

yaml(parserOptions:) ​

public static func yaml(parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:]) -> Self

CoreData synthesizer with a template defined in Tuist/{ProjectName}

files(plugin:parserOptions:extensions:) ​

public static func files(
    plugin: String,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:],
    extensions: Set<String>
) -> Self

Files synthesizer defined in a plugin

files(parserOptions:extensions:) ​

public static func files(
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:],
    extensions: Set<String>
) -> Self

Files synthesizer with a template defined in Tuist/{ProjectName}

custom(plugin:parser:parserOptions:extensions:resourceName:) ​

public static func custom(
    plugin: String,
    parser: Parser,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:],
    extensions: Set<String>,
    resourceName: String
) -> Self

Custom synthesizer from a plugin

  • Parameters:
    • plugin: Name of a plugin where resource synthesizer template is located
    • parser: Parser to use for parsing the file to obtain its data
    • extensions: Set of extensions that should be parsed
    • resourceName: Name of the template file and the resulting .swift file

Parameters ​

pluginName of a plugin where resource synthesizer template is located
parserParser to use for parsing the file to obtain its data
extensionsSet of extensions that should be parsed
resourceNameName of the template file and the resulting .swift file

custom(name:parser:parserOptions:extensions:) ​

public static func custom(
    name: String,
    parser: Parser,
    parserOptions: [String: Parser.Option] = [:],
    extensions: Set<String>
) -> Self

Custom local synthesizer defined Tuist/ResourceSynthesizers/{name}.stencil

  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of synthesizer
    • parser: Parser to use for parsing the file to obtain its data
    • extensions: Set of extensions that should be parsed

Parameters ​

nameName of synthesizer
parserParser to use for parsing the file to obtain its data
extensionsSet of extensions that should be parsed

Released under the MIT License.