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TestAction ​


  • Properties
    • testPlans
    • targets
    • arguments
    • configuration
    • attachDebugger
    • expandVariableFromTarget
    • preActions
    • postActions
    • options
    • diagnosticsOptions
    • skippedTests
  • Methods
    • targets(_:arguments:configuration:attachDebugger:expandVariableFromTarget:preActions:postActions:options:diagnosticsOptions:skippedTests:)
    • testPlans(_:configuration:attachDebugger:preActions:postActions:)
public struct TestAction: Equatable, Codable, Sendable

An action that tests the built products.

You can create a test action with either a set of test targets or test plans using the .targets or .testPlans static methods respectively.

Properties ​

testPlans ​

public var testPlans: [Path]?

List of test plans. The first in the list will be the default plan.

targets ​

public var targets: [TestableTarget]

A list of testable targets, that are targets which are defined in the project with testable information.

arguments ​

public var arguments: Arguments?

Command line arguments passed on launch and environment variables.

configuration ​

public var configuration: ConfigurationName

Build configuration to run the test with.

attachDebugger ​

public var attachDebugger: Bool

Whether a debugger should be attached to the test process or not.

expandVariableFromTarget ​

public var expandVariableFromTarget: TargetReference?

A target that will be used to expand the variables defined inside Environment Variables definition (e.g. $SOURCE_ROOT)

preActions ​

public var preActions: [ExecutionAction]

A list of actions that are executed before starting the tests-run process.

postActions ​

public var postActions: [ExecutionAction]

A list of actions that are executed after the tests-run process.

options ​

public var options: TestActionOptions

List of options to set to the action.

diagnosticsOptions ​

public var diagnosticsOptions: SchemeDiagnosticsOptions

List of diagnostics options to set to the action.

skippedTests ​

public var skippedTests: [String]?

List of testIdentifiers to skip to the test

Methods ​

targets(_:arguments:configuration:attachDebugger:expandVariableFromTarget:preActions:postActions:options:diagnosticsOptions:skippedTests:) ​

public static func targets(
    _ targets: [TestableTarget],
    arguments: Arguments? = nil,
    configuration: ConfigurationName = .debug,
    attachDebugger: Bool = true,
    expandVariableFromTarget: TargetReference? = nil,
    preActions: [ExecutionAction] = [],
    postActions: [ExecutionAction] = [],
    options: TestActionOptions = .options(),
    diagnosticsOptions: SchemeDiagnosticsOptions = .options(),
    skippedTests: [String] = []
) -> Self

Returns a test action from a list of targets to be tested.

  • Parameters:
    • targets: List of targets to be tested.
    • arguments: Arguments passed when running the tests.
    • configuration: Configuration to be used.
    • attachDebugger: A boolean controlling whether a debugger is attached to the process running the tests.
    • expandVariableFromTarget: A target that will be used to expand the variables defined inside Environment Variables definition. When nil, it does not expand any variables.
    • preActions: Actions to execute before running the tests.
    • postActions: Actions to execute after running the tests.
    • options: Test options.
    • diagnosticsOptions: Diagnostics options.
  • Returns: An initialized test action.

Parameters ​

targetsList of targets to be tested.
argumentsArguments passed when running the tests.
configurationConfiguration to be used.
attachDebuggerA boolean controlling whether a debugger is attached to the process running the tests.
expandVariableFromTargetA target that will be used to expand the variables defined inside Environment Variables definition. When nil, it does not expand any variables.
preActionsActions to execute before running the tests.
postActionsActions to execute after running the tests.
optionsTest options.
diagnosticsOptionsDiagnostics options.

testPlans(_:configuration:attachDebugger:preActions:postActions:) ​

public static func testPlans(
    _ testPlans: [Path],
    configuration: ConfigurationName = .debug,
    attachDebugger: Bool = true,
    preActions: [ExecutionAction] = [],
    postActions: [ExecutionAction] = []
) -> Self

Returns a test action from a list of test plans.

  • Parameters:
    • testPlans: List of test plans to run.
    • configuration: Configuration to be used.
    • attachDebugger: A boolean controlling whether a debugger is attached to the process running the tests.
    • preActions: Actions to execute before running the tests.
    • postActions: Actions to execute after running the tests.
  • Returns: A test action.

Parameters ​

testPlansList of test plans to run.
configurationConfiguration to be used.
attachDebuggerA boolean controlling whether a debugger is attached to the process running the tests.
preActionsActions to execute before running the tests.
postActionsActions to execute after running the tests.

Released under the MIT License.